
A cosmic collaboration for gender equality: ESA supported the Our Giant Leap Hackathon 2023!

End of 2023, from October 28-29th, the #OurGiantLeapHackathon2023 took place in Montréal Canada (hybrid mode). Learn how the European Space Agency supported the Diversity and Gender Equality Project Group in this important event, from sponsoring 2 Young ESA teams to participate in the competition to involving ESA experts for mentoring sessions during and after the hackathon. The DGE PG looks forward to collaborating with ESA on more D&I activities in 2024!

2024-01-08T15:31:38+01:00January 5th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Our Giant Leap Hackathon

The SGAC Diversity and Gender Equality Project Group, formerly known as the Our Giant Leap initiative, is organizing its very first hackathon in 2022 under the general theme : "How can space technology and know-how help make a leap forward towards gender equality on Earth?" in Daejeon, South Korea on August 14th and 15th 2022.

2022-04-24T17:50:04+02:00April 24th, 2022|Tags: , , , |
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