
The use of Remote Sensing Data as Legal Evidence for Environmental Protection across Europe

Remote sensing data from satellites offers a powerful tool for environmental monitoring, aiding legal proceedings in enforcing environmental laws. However, the application of this data entails legal and technical challenges, often hindering its potential.

Human Settlements in Outer Space: Do We Need Lex Specialis for Respecting Human Rights?

As humanity ventures beyond Earth and begins to consider outer space as a potential site for permanent settlements, the legal framework must evolve to address new challenges. To guarantee and safeguard human rights, the creation of lex specialis is crucial.

2024-10-09T09:08:08+02:00October 9th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Space Resource Regulation: From National Approaches to the Need for a General Framework

Space resource utilisation is no longer a distant dream. As our quest to explore and settle the cosmos intensifies, the need for robust legal frameworks to govern space activities, including manage resource extraction, ensure fair access, and promote international cooperation, is increasingly critical.

2024-09-19T02:28:21+02:00September 19th, 2024|Tags: , , , |
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