
The Space Medicine and Life Sciences Project Group partners with events globally to promote networking and collaboration opportunities for SGAC members. Developing more space medicine related streams at events within and outside SGAC will help bring visibility to all the exciting development and research in this area. This page provides a highlight of events from around the world. You can also follow the #events-feed on our Slack platform to keep up-to-date on all space medicine and life sciences related events. 

SMLS Workshop

More info to be announced soon!


ABGradE 101

25 - 27 May 2019

Heyrovsky Institute, Prague, Czech Republic

AbGradE 101: Where early-career astrobiologists meet, is a three-day symposium for students and young scientists interested in starting a career in astrobiology. It will take place in Prague, Czech Republic between 25-27 May 2019. Registrations are open until April 15th 2019. (participation fee: 25 €). AbGradE 101 is a great opportunity to get in contact with experts on the field in a relaxed and informal way, and to learn more about astrobiology in Europe.

Applications Close: 15 April 2019

European Space Generation Workshop 2019

31 May - 1 June 2019

Imperial College London, United Kingdom


The two-day regional event will bring together Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree candidates, young professionals, experts, academia, space agencies and industry representatives to network, exchange know-how, share best practices and nurture the next generation’s perspective on space matters.

Gathering around 100 delegates (18-35 years old) from all around Europe, their exchanges will focus on relevant and upcoming space sector challenges and opportunities, targeted to support future European and global policy initiatives, encourage youth contribution to space and enhance cross-country cooperation. 

This year's workshop will feature Space Medicine as one of the topic stream. The topic will focus on both up and downstream medical space research. We will discuss the the applications of medical experiments and research developed on board the ISS, what this has taught us about medicine in space and the open challenges to solve before we can consider long term space travel. This research can also benefit our society on Earth – for this we need to know how the results of space research can be exploited for other purposes, and in particular which useful tools or instruments used in health sector come from technologies already used in space.

Applications Closed