
Global Satellite Tracking Initiative Gets Academic Institution Recognition in Zimbabwe 

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS-Zimbabwe), a club at the Midlands State University (MSU), unveiled a Satellite Ground Station Kit which they received from the Space Generation Advisory Council, at an unboxing ceremony held at the University’s Campus in Zimbabwe on the 16th of June 2022.

2022-09-15T11:34:08+02:00September 15th, 2022|Tags: , , |

The SGAC Alumni Programme Lifts Off!

The SGAC community is fortunate to include a huge number of distinguished alumni and the outstanding power of the SGAC community is clear in forging lasting friendships, inspiring business ideas, as well as launching future career opportunities.  Alumni can serve as shining examples of the people that make up the SGAC community. Maintaining communication channels with alumni means SGAC can keep them informed of current achievements and make them part of SGAC’s future, not just its past. Good alumni relations benefit alumni as well as SGAC: by helping SGAC grow, alumni are also enhancing the value of their own SGAC experience. 

2022-09-15T11:22:11+02:00September 15th, 2022|Tags: , , |

AWS Space Accelerator (September 2022)

Raleigh Wooldridge met with Alchemist Accelerator Managing Director Rachel Chalmers to discuss AWS’s Space Accelerator. Rachel provided background on the program as well as an overview of companies selected in the 2022 cohort. Most useful to SGAC members, she gave a glimpse into what characteristics startup accelerators, specifically AWS and Alchemist, look for in startup founders. If you want to learn more about the AWS Space Accelerator and potentially submit an application in April 2023, you can find information at the Alchemist website.

2022-10-24T17:32:53+02:00September 15th, 2022|Tags: , , |

A Chat with a Champion for Cleaning Orbit: Luc Riesbeck

Satellites enable our modern, hyper-connected lives. Data from space systems feed into a swath of essential services that people all over the world depend on daily – cellular networks, broadband internet, climate science and agriculture, freight logistics and tracking, weather data, emergency and natural disaster relief, and countless others. Together, these on-orbit services and data form an unseen yet critical backbone of today’s global economy.

2021-07-14T15:07:55+02:00July 14th, 2021|Tags: , , |
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