Happy New Year 2023 from all Giants of the Diversity and Gender Equality Project Group of SGAC!

2022 has been a wondeful year for us – we can’t wait to share what we have in store for 2023!

In this blog news, we share some of our favourite highlights of 2022, for every month of last year – enjoy!


Starting in December 2021, until February 2022, we launched the #BecomeAGiant campaign to recruit more volunteers. In total, 47 new #Giants were on-boarded to join our activities!


#PADAWANS officially won the ESAxWIA Barbie bursary – to empower and inspire little girls to pursue careers in aerospace. In 2023, hands-on activities will be organized by selected volunteers with primary school children in 10 European cities! 

Learn more about PADAWANS on the dedicated wepbage.


We started the #OurGiantLeapPodcast – with now more than 400 listeners in total for our 4 episodes

Our fifth and latest episode ‘Fostering gender equality, diversity and inclusion at the Canadian Space Agency’ released in January 2023 features Julie Claveau – astrophysicist and program officer at the Canadian Space Agency.

“If you want to be included, you have to be inclusive.”

Listen to the episode on Spotify and soon on the SGAC YouTube channel!

In April 2022, we also celebrated #DiversityMonth2022 with a communication campaign showcasing diversity amongst SGAC members.



To continue celebrating #DiversityMonth2022 we launched our second “Meet the women behind SGAC” webinar series featuring SGAC women from different regions of the world.


For #PrideMonth2022 our #RESEARCH team organized an original campaign to showcase this global celebration, sharing a quiz and historical facts! Read the full article here.

Learn about the RESEARCH long-term activity on the dedicated webpage.


#FIGURES collaborated with Asclepios II analog mission to apply the sex-disaggregated protocol for mission data analysis. Learn more about the FIGURES long-term activity on the dedicate webpage.

#DIVINAS organized Episode 4 of the #OurGiantLeap x ESA astronaut selection series – starring ESA 2021 parastronaut candidate Neil Hopper and ESA 2021 astronaut candidate Laura Jourdan.

Watch the recording here. And learn more about DIVINAS on the dedicated webpage.


The first edition of the #OurGiantLeapHackathon took place in South Korea – tackling gender inequalities on Earth through space.  The hackathon organizing team received the ‘Member of the season’ award for Summer 2022!

Be ready – the second edition of the Our Giant Leap Hackathon is already under preparation. The Our Giant Leap Hackathon 2023 will be held in Canada, under the general theme ‘How space technology can support and be utilized by women in remote communities?’.


#OurGiantLeap long-term projects #DIVINAS and #PADAWANS presented their work at IAC Paris 2022!

Learn more about the work presented in this article.


We finished the second edition of the Our Giant Leap Magazine, presenting our projects and the profiles of diverse people in the space sector – stay tuned for the official publication!

We also prepared our 2023 recruitment campaign… Did you know? Until Febuary 3d, you can apply to #BecomeAGiant and join one of our long-term activities or the organizing team of the #OurGiantLeapHackathon 2023!

Learn more here.

Thank you to all our supports and friends!

Stay connected with us in 2023! On Facebook, Twitter or Slack.

And contact us on [email protected] for any questions, ideas of guests for our next podcast, collaborations… and more!