Call for Hosting City – ME-SGW 2025
Based on the success of the previous Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshops (AP-SGW), SGAC will organise the 10th Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshop in 2024.
Based on the success of the previous Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshops (AP-SGW), SGAC will organise the 10th Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshop in 2024.
Based on the success of the previous Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshops (AP-SGW), SGAC will organise the 10th Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshop in 2024.
Based on the success of the previous Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshops (AP-SGW), SGAC will organise the 10th Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshop in 2024.
After the success of the preceding widely acknowledged 8th South American Space Generation Workshop (SA-SGW), SGAC intends to organise the 9th SA-SGW in 2024. The 9th SA-SGW will be organised in continuation of SGAC’s efforts to promote the voice of the next generation of Space Leaders in the South American region.
Based on the success of the previous North, Central America and the Caribbean Space Generation Workshops (NCAC-SGW), SGAC will organise the 4th NCAC Space Generation Workshop in 2023.
The call for the hosting city of 8th SA-SGW is open to SGAC members in the South American Region. In your application bid, please explain why the proposed city would be the perfect place for the 8th SA-SGW
Based on the success of the previous Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshops (AP-SGW), SGAC will organise the 9th Asia-Pacific Space Generation Workshop in 2022.