
Call for HR Onboarding Co-Lead

SGAC is seeking one enthusiastic volunteer to join our Human Resource Team! This position will support the Human Resource Team in coordinating the onboarding and offboarding of new Team members within the SGAC Team. This position offers challenging, rewarding, and professional skill-building experiences, and the opportunity to help improve the onboarding and offboarding processes of the organization. 

2024-08-17T12:48:47+02:00August 17th, 2024|Tags: , |

Call for SG[Luxembourg] 2024 Organising Team

This first edition of SG[Luxembourg] will take place in Luxembourg-city on Saturday 30 November 2024 and will feature keynote speakers, panel interviews, workshops and roundtable discussions, with recognised space leaders from industry, academia, and government. And we need you to make this possible. You in? Take a look at our open positions below and submit your application today.

2024-08-17T12:49:24+02:00August 17th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Regional Partnership Manager – Middle East

SGAC is seeking an ambitious, and highly motivated volunteer to join the Middle East Regional Team as Regional Partnerships Manager. If you are an SGAC member from the Middle East region who is looking for an opportunity to become more involved in a role that offers challenging, rewarding, and professional skill-building experiences, then apply today!

2024-08-03T13:39:21+02:00June 5th, 2024|Tags: , , , |
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