Support the first women on Mars through experiments that could be implemented in future analog missions. The main goal of this project is to contribute to closing the gender data gap in human spaceflight and exploration. It is primarily based on many recommendations provided during SG[France]2020, including research activities, support to all-female crews, as well as communication and outreach about the experiments’ results.
In the light of national space efforts towards putting mixed crews on the surfaces of our celestial neighbours, it is primordial to make sure that male default thinking does not prevail. Astronaut selection processes, training, equipment, procedures, operations, protection from radiation, and other hazards of the space environment are ought to be (re)evaluated on the matter of gender bias. This project will allow a first-hand assessment of the existing and newly proposed conditions under which astronauts are put. Analog missions can become a test platform aiming to establish gender-neutral standards for human space exploration. Differently composed crews will apply OGL recommendations and results will be cross-compared and analysed.
This project will entail close collaboration with analog research stations and crews, and the SGAC network can be key in achieving this. WoMars is an all-female crew willing to participate in this project; and the OGL team aims to support their mission. Ultimately, such a project is in the interest of several national space agencies that aim to put people on Mars, e.g. NASA, ESA.
Contact the team: [email protected]
Yulia Akisheva | Tania Gres | Quentin Parpaite | Nicolas Soulard | Guillaume Thirion |
Project Leader | SGAC interface and scientific support | Experiments Responsible | Analog astronaut teams coordinator | Analog missions expert |