Doraemon, the Japanese manga series where a male robotic cat that time travels from the 22nd century to aid a preteen boy named Nobita is particularly popular among children and adults who grew up with the show in Asia. However, there are little to none comic stories and characters that revolve around the people and stories from Southeast Asia in space. There is a need to fill this gap as representation matters to inspire not only the children and students but the people in this region, while getting people from around the world connected to the diversity and rich culture from this part of the world.

Therefore, space digital comic series with a Southeast Asia flavour against the Asia Pacific setting is in progress to address this. The Space Comic Series is all about reimagining and amplifying Southeast Asia stories in space.

Sathesh  Raj Florence Pauline Basubas Gillian Chin HarleeQuizzagan

Project Lead




Sathesh Raj florence-pauline-basubas Gillian Chin HQuizzagan


Contact Us: 

Sathesh Raj – [email protected]

Florence Pauline Basubas – [email protected]

Gillian Chin – [email protected]

Harlee Quizzagan – [email protected]