
Announcement of the 2023 SGFF – NASA Exploration Scholarship Winner

SGAC in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are pleased to announce Clare Luckey as the winner of the 2023 SGFF - NASA Exploration Scholarship. Through this scholarship, SGAC has partnered with NASA to support the attendance of a student or young professional to the SGFF2023 in Colorado Springs, USA on 14-17th April 2023!

2023-04-15T14:53:18+02:00April 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Bari, Italy to host the 7th European Space Generation Workshop in 2023!

After a successful event in Cyprus this year, the next SGAC’s European flagship event is coming and will take place in Bari, Italy. The two-day event will gather more than a 100 students, young professionals, experts from the industry and space agencies. This will create a unique platform to exchange ideas and network between each other and prominent speakers to further nurture the next generation’s views on space matters. Each bid for this next European edition has been evaluated by SGAC Executive Council members, along with a regional selection committee. This evaluation was performed considering several criteria:  programme, location, budget, working groups, among others. This workshop is scheduled for the first half of 2023, with a call for the supporting organising team to be advertised soon. The organising team will be led by Ada Ranieri and Giuliana Rotola as Event Managers. Meet them down below!

2022-08-16T22:01:43+02:00August 16th, 2022|Tags: , , |

SGAC welcomes the newly recruited members from January!

SGAC welcomes new team members! SGAC is proud to announce the following appointments to our team after the latest round of vacancy applications. Space Generation Congress  2021 Manager - Kelsey Doerksen PR & Communication Team Member - Chanud Sithipreedanant  Space Law and Policy Project Group Co-Lead - Giuliana Rotola  Project Group Coordinator - Joshua Critchley-Marrows Project Group Coordination [...]

2021-02-09T12:03:53+01:00February 9th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

SGAC welcomes the newly recruited members from November!

SGAC welcomes new team members! SGAC is proud to announce the following appointments to our team after the latest round of vacancy applications. Space Generation Fusion Forum (SGFF) 2021 Manager - Kristin Shahady Asia Pacific Regional Communication Manager - Sathesh Raj African Regional Communications Manager - Mohamed Ramzi Aouimeur  HR Co Coordinator - Abraham Akinwale  HR Team Member [...]

2020-12-02T13:39:31+01:00December 2nd, 2020|Tags: , , |
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