Member of the Month for May 2020: SG Latin America Webinar Series Organizing Team

NCAC and SA regions worked for almost a month in organizing six sessions of webinars with distinguished Latin personalities in their fields.

2020-07-15T13:27:16+02:00May 30th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

SpaceGen United

Now more than ever we want to keep our community connected through our new initiative SpaceGen United – SGAC’s very first online Congress! It will be a gathering of more than 150 participants, experts from across the space industry as well as SGAC Alumni, all during the course of a week. As a unique and dynamic experience, SpaceGen United will include workshops, podcasts, virtual coffee hours, a trivia night and many other online gatherings and challenges for you to take part in. There will be #AskMeAnything sessions with SGAC Alumni and much, much more to look forward to!

2020-05-20T16:07:15+02:00May 15th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

[PG-SEPG] SEPG Webinar #4: Forward to the Moon – Lunar Analogue Missions

In the 4th episode of the SEPG webinar series on the future of space exploration, we will talk about the importance of designing and running appropriate analogue missions simulating in situ resources utilisation on the Lunar surface.

2020-05-18T11:46:14+02:00May 15th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

Space for Youth Competition

Climate change is the defining issue of our time. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of flooding, the impact of climate change is global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Action is needed and young people play a key role. UNOOSA and SGAC want to give a voice to and promote youth’s ideas on how space, in all its aspects, can mitigate climate challenges.

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